On April, the 3rd 1990, Wira was registered as a small enterprise, having authorisation 213 based art. 28 – Enactment 54/1990.
The first four years Wira’s main activity were foreign and domestic trade and agriculture.
The places of development of this activity were Bucharest, Constanta, Mangalia, Nicolae Balcescu (Constanta County).
In 1994 Wira created the Research Department.
It consists of:
– University professors in production of solar cells and renewable energy;
– Doctors of Science in Renewable Energy;
– Engineers, specialists in renewable energy;
– Building engineers, experts in solar panels;
– Economists to calculate costs and for monitoring the investments;
– Technicians specialized in energy projects;
Currently Wira has 2 main departments:
– Energy Department
– Medicine Depatment
Wira promote collaboration across the research institutions, attract R&D investment and increase the company’s R&D capacity. The Alliance will assess collaborative research opportunities, assist with the preparation of collaborative proposals to funding agencies and support the development and marketing of shared laboratory facilities.
Supporting entrepreneurs is essential for new company creation and accelerating growth in Europe’s life sciences industry. Research the Slater Technology Fund’s life sciences incubator and relocating the facility to Romania’s Research & Development Agency will deepen the Wira’s capacity for launching compelling new ventures and creating high-wage jobs.
Sos Mihai Bravu Nr 136
Sector 2, Bucuresti
Telefon: +40212525664