NEWS NEWS Under siege of Academy of Medical Science Romania, University of Medicine and Pharmacy TirguMures-Romania, Radiology and Imagistic Clinic of Emergency County Hospital TirguMures, Scientific Research Unit Wira Grup Bucharest, organized between 26-28 May 2016, at Hotel President from TirguMures, an international medical symposium: “MEDICINE AND INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES IN THE SERVICE OF MAN, IN THE XXI CENTURY” 26 – 28 May 2016 The official opening event will take placeat Hotel President from TirguMures, on 26 May. Registration of scientific paper works will be made at: e-mail: Prof. Univ. Dr. Mircea BURUIAN - Mobil: 0744 503331 e-mail: Dr. Mihai PORUTIU - Mobil: 0722 694 996 Conference Chairman will be Prof. Dr. MirceaBuruian and the Vice-Chairman Prof. dr. Mihai Radu. WIRA GRUP S.A. Sos Mihai Bravu Nr 136 Sector 2, Bucuresti Telefon: +40212525664