S.C. WIRA GRUP S.A.  – Medicine Research Departament

     Starting with March 16th 1999, WiraGrup SA, has begun its research activity in the natural and physical sciences field, including the medical science.

     The Company has implicated herself in the research field having in view the participation for the realization of some ultramodern medical devices from cardiology area. In this context it reached to various agreements with Reynolds Medical Ltd. English Company from The Great Britain, with the location in 1 Harforde Court, John Tate Road, Hertford SG13 7NW. This company has officially named SC WIRA GRUP SA the exclusive representative in Romania, after viewing its capacity to implicate in the researches regarding the developing of some products.

     SC WiraGrup SA Company has totally participated to the scientific researches for the realization of the first SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) pig farm from Romania. For this purpose it has concluded several research – collaboration contracts with the TOPIGS Company from Vought – Holland. There has been carried scientifically documentation regarding the SPF pig farms in Holland, Belgium and France. There have been visited the SPF pig farms from Meuse and Dombras, from the Verdun region – France.

     The preparation courses for the obtaining of SPF pigs have been carried at the company headquarters from VUGHT – Holland, together with other researchers from 56 countries.

      The WIRA GRUP SA Company, has initiated official telephone calls with the INFIGEN – USA researchers, regarding the SPF technology and Transgenia. The American specialists have come on three occasions to Bucharest, where the official telephone calls took place. There has been concluded a research contract for this matter, but only for the SPF part, the Romanian legislation not being expressly permissive regarding transgenia.

     At the present moment, SC WIRA GRUP SA is registered in RPC – ANCS and is declared eligible. The SC WIRA GRUP SA is the partner of 8 research projects from PNII2008, Partnership Direction.

     Wira win some research projects through completion: “Creation of a cryo-conservation center of tissue as experiments complex base”.

Director of Project Dr. Ionescu Cringu – Contract nr 1957/21.03.2012

In the Research Department of The SC WIRA GRUP SA Company, there are the following scientists that are working:

  • Dr.VladCiurea – neurosurgery
  • Dr.MirceaBuruian –radiology – Scientific Director
  • Dr. Silviu Sfringeu –radiology
  • CS I Popescu Bogdan –neurology
  • CS II Smarandache Gabriel – general surgery
  • Ionescu Cringu-Antoniu – surgery

     The SC WiraGrup SA Research Department is proposing to achieve in future the following research directions:

  1. The developing of the knowledge of the human being integration biological systems
  2. The human organism accommodation mechanisms to the psychosocially and biologically environmental factors’ dynamics.
  3. Interventional and investigational methods based on proteomic, genomic, molecular and cellular medicine.
  4. The developing of modern therapies oriented towards the cellular, genetically and chemical support and their standardization according to the bioethical standards.
  5. The development of the brain – machine interface with the purpose of investigation and recover from neurological affections.
  6. The implementation of new methods of prevention and interventional, on a national level, having in view the European Space of Action.

Scientific Director

               Prof.Dr.Mircea Buruian


Under siege of Academy of Medical Science Romania, University of Medicine and Pharmacy TirguMures-Romania, Radiology and Imagistic Clinic of Emergency County Hospital TirguMures, Scientific Research Unit Wira Grup Bucharest, organized between 26-28 May 2016, at Hotel President from TirguMures, an international medical symposium:

26 – 28 May 2016

The official opening event will take placeat Hotel President from TirguMures, on 26 May.

Registration of scientific paper works will be made at:
e-mail: mburuian@radiologietgm.ro
Prof. Univ. Dr. Mircea BURUIAN - Mobil: 0744 503331
e-mail: mihpor@gmail.com
Dr. Mihai PORUTIU - Mobil: 0722 694 996

Conference Chairman will be Prof. Dr. MirceaBuruian and the Vice-Chairman Prof. dr. Mihai Radu.


Sos Mihai Bravu Nr 136

Sector 2, Bucuresti

Telefon:  +40212525664